The Danish Wood Initiative

Træ.dk is The Danish Wood Initiative. Træ.dk translates into

Our aim is to increase the use of wood products.

Træ.dk represents the entire wood chain, from forest to final product:

The website aims to create awareness and knowledge of the environmental qualities of trees, whether they grow in forests or are used in industry, buildings and homes.

The website is in Danish and contains articles, links, specialist information, do-it-yourself tips and news on trees, forestry and the timber industry.

Træ.dk is managed by a committee, consisting of members from the six organisations.

If you would like to get in touch with us, please send an e-mail to this address:

The Danish Wood Initiative has made several animations and a leaflet. All is translated into English.

Promotion material from The Danish Wood Initiative

Promotion material from The Danish Wood Initiative



Træ.dk is formerly know as Træ Er Miljø


The Danish Wood Initiative

Egebækvej 98,
DK-2850 Nærum

Telefon +45 45 87 54 00


Promotion material

Wood – Nature’s stroke of genius

Se Træ.dk's populære tegnefilm "Er du også træt" i sin engelske udgave.

Leaflet about wood

Wood - Nature's stroke of genius. Leaflet about wood from the Danish Wood Initiative
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Egebækvej 98
DK-2850 Nærum